I certainly hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and this coming New Year is much better than last.
On Christmas day a plane was flown into Detroit with a Nigerian terrorist who attempted to ignite a substance designed to blow the plane out of the sky. Instead he burned what little existed of his groin region into oblivion before passengers quickly subdued him. The pilot accelerated the plane and made an emergency landing in Detroit where the terrorist was quickly taken into custody.
So here we are almost 9 years after the 9/11 tragedy. On Big O's first day in office he signed one of his first executive orders weakening Homeland Security (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/president-obama-signs-executive-order-amend-executive-order-13462) and there have been many other reversals of Bush administration security polices as well. HSS Janet Napalitano juxtaposed herself before the president was even able to make a statement. First she said it was a terrorist attack then she retracted saying it was a segregated incident. Today Big O made time for his usual television appearance only 72+ hours after the threat and did just about everything but bring out his Muslim prayer rug. Advocating his usual spinelessness he went on to tell America how this was an isolated incident and Muslims helped change America. His entire staff must have been shaken as babies if they supplied him with any credible information amounting to that conclusion.
The best part is that his staffers woke him immediately after hearing of his Nobel Prize, but when there was a National Security Threat they waited almost 4 hours to awaken the vacationing Big O! This administration has about as much organization and accountability as a drug addicted bum.